Being Married

To my surprised being married hasn't been that much of an adjustment for me. Okay so we've only been married for barely three weeks but everyone kept telling me it'll be a big change and right off the bat I'll find things about him that drive me nuts. Well I'm sure those things exist but I want to choose to not let them bother me.

I strongly believe that because we dated exclusively for a year it has made this transition to married life easier for ua. For those of you who don't know, a year is a long time in the LDS community haha it's very common and almost a stereotype for Mormons to get married quickly as in a couple months- which isn't a bad thing either. Everyone is different; some people can do that but it wasn't right for us to get hitched so quick and for this I'm so thankful. We lived everyday life together and learned how to be happy with each other when we weren't doing anything. Here's what I mean- I've heard some personal experiences where couples get married with in a couple months of dating. Because they were only together a couple of months their time spent together was mostly on dates and activities planned to be fun. When they got married and things simmered down after the wedding they got bored because they hadn't lived regular life together, just the dating life. While not everyone has this experience, I know that, but that fact that some do is sad.

first picture together. We're holding hands :)
Although living with someone else wasn't an adjustment for me sleeping with someone else is a whole other story! I've always been so picky about my sleep. I love my sleep and I make sure I get lots of it. I cannot function without it. I've never pulled an all nighter because I can't do it! Sleep is like breathing to me. And I have many quirks while I sleep. My feet can't be touching each other. I need a pillow between my knees. I need something touching my back. I need something to put my arm over in front. I'm a side sleeper with one arm under the pillow. And then I sprawl out. I'm such a pain right?! Well before we got married I decided for his sake to get rid of some of these quirks so I'm not so high maintenance and I successfully did! But just getting used to another person being in the same bed took some time. I'm a light sleeper so I wake up when he rolls over or moves the covers but I fall right back asleep.

SIDE STORY: Dan was gone overnight last week from his work and when I was talking on the phone to my  Dad he was like 'Oh, were you able to sleep with him gone?' the funny thing is I slept better! Right now I'm just so used to sleeping by myself haha.

But one thing I have learned about Dan. He can be a bed hog. This doesn't bug me, I mostly just think it's funny. Now I don't take up a lot of room when I sleep, I take my side and lay there. Dan on the other hand likes to lay right smack dab in the center. It can get to the point to where I want to roll over, but I can't haha I always tell him but he always denies it. Like this, but backwards.

Bahaha I love it. Another thing I mentioned before is that we switched sides because so AC blows on him. I get so cold SO easily and I don't even have the AC on alllll day. It gets up to 78-79 in the apartment and I'm fine. But Dan gets so hot at night that we have the AC set at like 68 all night. I guess it works out because I don't use it during the day! So he sleeps with no covers soaking up the AC and I sleep with all my covers huddled up to stay warm. It works out :)

So over all dating longer definitely helped in our situation with adjusting to being married but I understand that everyone's situation is different and that you can make it work no matter what. We love being married and we are huge dorks. We love being together and we constantly laugh. Like to tears laughter. It's great being married to your best friend.


  1. Hahaha Aubrionna you are soooo adorable and I love this blog!! Hahaha!! The Bed story made me laugh so hard because that is totally going to be me too :) I am so happy that you are enjoying the married life and I just want to say thanks for still being a wonderful example to me. :)

  2. Aw thanks so much Sami! You're so great! Thanks for reading too :) I'm glad it's entertaining :) I miss you and I hope you're having a blast in the burg!!


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