
Showing posts from November, 2018


The start to October is always the best because General Conference and Brooks' birthday are right at the beginning! This year Brooks' birthday came first. When I was shopping at Target (alone, for ME) couldn't NOT but these Daniel Tiger jammies! He loves them and climbs up in his chair and asks me to take his picture, "CHEEESE". Brooks and I love going to the Library. He loves shoving books (any books unfortunately) in the return slot, playing with the puzzles and tapping away at the computer. We decided to try their music class. This picture was from one of his first times... but he still has that same face everytime haha! Although he doesn't always participate and becomes shy I still think it's fun for him to watch and interact with the other kids. He'll jump in when they have props like shaky eggs, scarves, a parachute or a fun tunnel to crawl through but he's not interested in the actions and dancing. I snapped this picture only