New Year. New Apartment.

Well... basically a lot has happened. Say hello to moving.

We went to Idaho Falls and spent a lovely New Years Eve there staying with my aunt and uncle. Great food, great family, great friends. We went bowling in Rexburg with some friends - Ryker & Courtney and Tanner for New Years and Courtney and I smoked the boys. I also beat my highest score with a 158, not too bad eh? It was really fun! We went to Ryker's parents' house and watched Despicable Me and it was so embarrassing because I was soo tired and it was only... 9:30pm. But I somehow made it to the New Year, celebrating with my parents, brother and my aunt and uncle :)

We moved into our new apartment in Rexburg on Tuesday and it went rather well! Other than it was fa-reezing outside, we were able to get everything in the apartment. Since then it's been a constant pattern of unpacking and cleaning. I have the kitchen done! But we can't use the dishwasher yet so we are getting skilled at washing everything by hand :)

Tonight we made pretzel bites! Dan saw the mix at the store on clearance so we bought it and they turned out BOMB! So delicious, good job Dan :)

Books have been bought. Other necessities have been purchased. Wedding gifts have finally been opened to USE. (yayyyy I LOVE ALL of them) The job search is on and school starts Monday. My semester is 14 online credits. I have 3 classes that are about marriage and parenting so I hope I can keep them straight! Dan is taking 15 accounting and business credits and will return to work at the suit shop!

With in the first week of moving into our apartment we;
+     organized, organized, organized
+     thought we melted the toaster
+     flooded the bathroom 
+     have been hand washing our dishes (there's a bunch of old rotting food in the dishwasher and I'm not cleaning that!)
+    bought some rabbit ears for our TV because we don't want to pay for cable
+     have slept in the most comfortable bed! Ahhh thank you Jensen Family!
+     and I have to mention, we have the best bed set! Thank you Sylvia!
+     finally got the wifi password!

Okay so I just took pictures of our apartment and seriously don't judge. It's messy. We're newlyweds with little furniture but I think it's awesome. Plus I'm still unpacking and organizing so really it'll get better :)

The kitchen

I really love the kitchen and the set up of the apartment in general. I like the openness when you walk in.

Entry way/ dining room. Our amazing used dining room set came from the Frogleys- thank you SO much! Seriously it doesn't matter that it's been used by a family with 8 kids, I'm just so happy to have a place to eat! Thanks a ton for giving it to us!

Our one mini couch we stole from my house

TV is currently on top of a tuppaware. Like it's rabbit ears? They worked! We now have 5 channels instead of none but really we don't need TV. This'll be a good TV fast. Plus when all our other utilities are paid for, I can't complain! We have our cute space heater there in the middle to help beat the cold. Obviously the room that needs the most work :)


Completely clean after the.. flooding

I love this bed. The one we had in Bakersfield was a run of the mill mattress where you could feel all the springs. This mattress is so soft and comfy I sleep like a baby! Well.. a baby that sleeps that is. Anyways, more thanks you's to the Jensens to giving us the mattress and to Dan's mom for the bed set. It looks awesome if I do say so myself :)

Our closet. It doesn't look like it in this picture but I have waaayy too many clothes. I need a closet purge.

Second bedroom. What? A second bedroom?! I know right? It's bomb. Obviously still putting stuff away in here but this will be an awesome study room, hence the desk.

Second bedroom closet. A definite perk for more storage space! I love it.

Aaaand definitely one of my favorite parts, the washer and dryer. Again another perk that wasn't necessary to have but it's incredibly wonderful when it's like NEGATIVE 2 DEGREES outside. Who would want to go and do laundry in that?

We met our neighbors and they seem really nice. We're excited to meet the management and get some of the quirks worked out and the needed maintenance done. Our neighbors told us they like the Family Ward better than the Married Ward so we will experiment and see what we feel is right. I am also looking for employment and we'll be fasting this Sunday for that. Dan is filling out grad school applications and writing essays and what not, SO proud of him! We've been going to the gym and wow! It's been kicking my butt in a good way. Working out with Dan is great because he shows me proper form, new lifts and different exercises. I don't think I ever would have lifted weights if he hadn't shown me because I never knew how. It's such a good work out and right now I am so sore! And lastly, Dan's new phone should be coming today- this is probably news to family but no worries we'll make sure everyone has his new number when we set it up! We added Dan onto my parent's Verizon plan and will be paying our portion of the bill every month. We did it this way because we will be paying just as much for Verizon smartphones as we would for Sprint regular phones.

So that's the happenings of our moving week! I really do love our apartment! Our last one in Bakersfield was wonderful but this one feels more like ours because all of our stuff is in it. We really are so blessed and I will not forget the Lord's hand in helping us get this apartment. We fasted and prayed and we were greatly blessed. God is amazing and my faith in Him and His son has grown so much! I can't wait to go to the Rexburg Temple, it's such a blessing to have one so close! Plus I have the best roommate :)


  1. YAY!You're back! I am dying to have ya'll over now that Im not super swamped with working. The only time you've ever seen me was when my stress levels were WAY, WAY too high! :)

    1. Yes we are back! Were you super stressed out? I honestly couldn't tell, you must handle it well! But that sounds like fun, we're excited! :)

  2. I want more info about how the bathroom flooded? I'm guessing the toilet?

    1. Yes that would be correct haha Dan was able to fix it but not after we tried flushing it again (in hindsight not the best idea) but it worked in our favor because with the bowl filled to the brim with water it created more suction for it to be unclogged. But plunging a very full toilet did create a nice mess. Thank goodness for bleach!

  3. How are you coping with the environment? There’s so much cleaning and organizing during the first few weeks. However, how long did it take you to get used to writing your new address on important papers? That’s always a funny moment for me. But as days go by, your hands would just knew. I’m pretty sure you’re doing great now because with your family nearby. :]


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