Is it Thursday Already?

It's Wednesday and I haven't written anything for my blog this week. Whoops. Classes keeping me busy!

We've been going to the gym quite often and I am just killing it there! Now that I basically know all the exercises that Dan and I do we work pretty well together. Always sweatin up a storm, well as much as I can- I over worked my hamstring last week and it's really been hurting so I'm trying to stretch it back out.

We've been watching White Collar and HOLY COW freaking out it's so good. I called one of the surprises but I have no idea what'll happen next. Seriously it's so good and it's not full of pointless drama.

I've been watching Pretty Little Liars and I'm chomping at the bit for the next episode! So good.

And then THIS happened sometime this week. Monday maybe?
Dumpage of snow. The plow didn't eve know what to do with it because it was coming down so fast to they made piles where ever they could. Middle of the road, parking lots, they even made a snow median down every road which made turning into places hard I imagine. Dan said the drive to class was interesting. You pretty much have to get the snow off your car then dig your car out. Everyone was getting stuck. It was quite a bit of snow by HEY! At least I don't live in IF, I'm pretty sure they got it worse than Rexburg did.


And now it's Thursday and I have written that much. Man sorry to disappoint but I'm keeping busy! We both have. Dan's studying like crazy, ace-ing tests left and right. I'm reading my brains out, ace-ing quizzes and struggling through painful, eye bleeding group meetings (okay not all of them are but some truly are). I am so glad They're only like every 3 or 4 weeks, yay!

Dan's been so sweet and even though he's so busy, he offers to cook dinner whenever he can.

I still need to get the apartment decorated to my liking... I'll get there eventually. I've been trying to get ahead in my classes for next week because it's a busy week with a ton of readings and an important paper.

Plus I've been planning our grocery shopping trip. Trying to be super frugal now that I have more options here in Rexburg. I've decided to do two main shopping trip each month. The first one is the bulk that'll last us all month for food. then I'll go half way through for a produce run so we can have fresh fruits and veggies. I'm trying super hard to stay under budget because I know it's possible now that we're not living in California (even though I didn't do too bad there) Anyways we're going through our lists, separating needs from wants, pricing it out and using coupons. Please let this work!

I'm excited for this weekend! Friday night we're having a game night with some friends from our ward. Saturday we'll be in Idaho Falls for Dan's mission companions wedding. I'm so excited! I've never been to a sealing other than my own. While we're down there we need to find Dan some jeans, because his are finally giving out with holes that the testing center might stop him for (depends who's working). And maybe we'll go to Winco there and see if buying things some things we need in bulk is cheaper. Okay everyone tells me Winco is cheaper but when I went in California it was not! So this time we'll see for sure.

Then Sunday is a wonderful day to go to church... oh and it's Dan's favorite Holiday of the year (other than Urban Meyer's birthday. Kidding... kinda). It's the Superbowl. We will be bringing a plethora of lil smokies and peanut butter cookies over to Ally & Cesar's to be with them and their cute boys. I'm not too interested in the football, I'm more excited for the food and the company :) Don't tell Dan I said that!

Wow for having nothing to write about I sure rambled on forever. This is why I'm a boss at writing [most] papers.


  1. White Collar is THE BEST! I'm obsessed with that show, and I got Dal hooked on it when we got married! We watched the first two seasons in our first 3 weeks of marriage...haha.

    1. YES! Isn't it! Ahhh we love it too. I think we probably went through it just as fast as you guys did when we first got married haha For Christmas we asked for iTunes giftcards to buy the rest of the season on there because we didn't want to pay for cable. So intense and SO good!


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