Pretty Chill

Monday Dan went to work super early! But last night he made some amazing peanut butter cookies with kisses on them so it was okay :) Today I have been cleaning, laundry, helping my mom with our family Christmas card and got everything ready for dinner with the missionaries tonight.

Dan actually got off work at a normal time woot! He's so great. We had a wonderful dinner with the missionaries. They always devour my cooking which is awesome! It will be the last time we're able to feed them before we move so it was a nice time.

Nothing else too exciting happened. I've been thinking about cleaning, packing, moving and trying to use the food we have. I want to basically eat all the food we can then when we run out we'll use the money that was budgeted for grocery shopping (since I didn't have to go) to eat out so I can clean and pack! I'm still watching Lost and I'm so close to finishing the second season. It's official, I hooked!

Tuesday. This morning Dan scared the bajeezes out of me! Every morning I sleep until Dan's done getting ready then I get up to hang out with him while he eats and before he leaves. While I was still sleeping he crept up and put his face right against mine and waited for me to wake up. After about 5 seconds he decided to blow in my face and I was ready to fight someone! He scared me so bad! He was laughing so hard as I pretended to be mad at him and roll over haha that man!

Geez I feel so boring but I've been writing my other blog post that I'll post soon. I've put a lot of effort into it and it's still not quite right yet. I finished the second season of Lost ahhhhh! Love it. I just want to know more and more! Dan might be working late tonight, but that's okay. I'm making bacon quiche for dinner and I love making it because I get to snack on the bacon. Every time I say quiche I think of this song.

It's about a poodle named Quiche Lorraine

Wednesday is pretty much like every other day this week. Oh but we finally got out topics for our talks on Sunday. He gave Dan a straight up topic but told me to pick mine from a conference talk. Ugh really? Sometimes I'd rather just be told what to talk about. Now I have to think and decide on my topic. Thank goodness for my public speaking class, taking that class makes me not as nervous for my talk. But really I am so excited to speak, I just hope I do well!

Dan was off work at a normal time and we had a delicious dinner of cheesy potato soup (one of his mom's recipes)! You guys won't be getting any new recipes because we're trying to eat all the food we have. It's harder than it sounds. Have you ever tried to eat all the food you have? We're trying to at least eat all the food we wouldn't be able to donate then donate the rest last minute if we need to.

Thursday I meant to start writing my talk but I forgot I had one until like 2pm! Then I forgot to post my blog. I am sorry I have failed haha I was messing around a lot today with blog design because I want to change mine! I'm trying to figure it out on my own and so far I'm doing pretty good! I don't think I'll change it soon because the holidays are coming, moving out, moving in and then my number one priority will be to find an awesome job in Rexburg.

I apologize this week's blog isn't too exciting but that's okay because I overloaded everyone with a ton of pictures last week! For your enjoyment here's a link to the Most Influential Corgi's of 2012. Number 6 Corgnelius is my favorite :) I also hope to finish my novel of a blog post I've been talking about so keep an eye out for that! Happy Thursday!


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