Goodbye Bakersfield

I didn't have time to proof read this, sorry!
Thursday I tackled the kitchen. I'm like so anal about it that if anyone gets it dirty now, I'm going to fa-reak. I don't mind cleaning though, especially when it's my kitchen and my mess.. well our mess. One of my biggest pets peeves when living with roommates was that I'd have to clean up other people's messes and then when I would clean they would just get it dirty and our course not clean up. Annoying. Just thinking about alllll the times this happened seriously bugs me. Deep breath. Now I have the best roommate ever :) and he's pretty darn clean for a dude. I also tell Dan what I clean each day so he won't accidently mess it up.

Last night we had our last meal on In-N-Out because they're aren't any in Idaho. I have gained respect and like In-N-Out, the first time I had it, it was just way too hyped up that I was let down. Now that I've formed my own opinion I enjoy it and like their burgers (kinda don't love their fries though oh well!). Tonight is Buffalo Wild Wings whoo! I bought a gift card for us with a target gift card we had from the wedding. I'm going to be sick of eating out by the time we get home but what else can we do?

One thing I won't miss about living here- the crazy cat fits in our apartment complex. There's this big black cat that has is out for this little orange one. Who's knows if he's asking for it but I am sick of hearing them growl and yell at each others. Then they yelp when they get hurt.

Anyways! Dan and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for their boneless Thursday and is was delicious! I had some yummy sweet bbq then some medium ones (which were soo spicy for me haha) Dan got some crazy flavors and one was actually so hot he couldn't finish! They were cool flavors like mango habanero and caribbean jerk they had good flavors but waaaayyyy too spicy for me! Afterwards we met up with some friends from work at the kart racing place again. Dan loved it again so that was fun! We went to the store to buy breakfast then headed home.

Friday was spent cleaning and packing. Surprised? WOW I can't believe that we're leaving, I get to go home to Boise, then it's family time, Christmas time- first Christmas with Dan the man :) I'm just excited. Although there's some things going on in our family that aren't the happiest, I love how we come together during difficult times and how we support each other. I love my family and I'm so excited to be with them. I'm excited to move to Rexburg but I get so nervous about finding a job. I get discouraged so easily. Ah I just want to find a good job that'll either pay me well or give me lots of hours. I'm saving for my chance to be a dental assistant here haha. I just need to take a deep breath and remember the countless times of when the Lord has provided for us, like every time! I need to work hard, have faith and something will work out!

Dan will probably get off early today too :) They take the interns out to a nice goodbye lunch then usually send them home early.

The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent cleaning, packing, cleaning and packing. Then we changed our plans a bunch. There's a huge snowstorm on the CA/NV board through the Sierras and it looks bad enough that we've had to change our plans. Sadly we won't see Dan's cousins tomorrow because we're going to have to drive through Vegas and up through SLC. We canceled our hotel in Reno and decided is was smarter and safer to drive just two more hours and go the other way. We will hopefully get to see his other cousin's mission farewell and spend side with some other family. It's bittersweet but we both feel better about it, that storm looked crazy.

Mail, forwarded. Gas and Electric, scheduled to turn off. Internet, returning modem tomorrow. The trunk is all packed too! Tonight we went to Rubio's for dinner because I wanted it, mmm so good! After, we hit the store for snacks and a light bulb then spent the evening gasping over the How I Met Your Mother finale. I hope the weather is nice to us tomorrow!

Saturday we got up and packed the car and did all the lat minute things then left good old Bakersfield.

We drove all the way to Orem and it was a looonnnnggg drive. Dan taught me the alphabet game! I have never played it before but he showed me and preceded to own me. We stopped at Bruger King for lunch and while we were waiting for our food I gave Dan a kiss and this old man walking by was like, "Stay away from that man!" and walked off. We started busting up laughing and I really hope he was kidding... awkward. Then we almost go in a wreck at the Nevada border because the  car in front of us slammed on their brakes. Luckily Dan has cat like reflexes and breaked and swerved to the side like a boss. I screamed.. but it was scream worthy.

Our car was pretty full!

We really didn't have a place to stay so we showed up at Dan's Aunt's doorstep like two homeless puppies asking if we could stay there. They took us in immediately and were like 'of course! Stay here anytime!" and Dan knew that, they were so nice! We had a wonderful dinner that night with Dan's Uncle Bruce. He made some pretty dang good chicken! Plus we even got dessert haha it was so nice to see him again and be able to visit. We stayed up way past my bed time talking and visiting with family and that night I PASSED out!

Utah. Am I surprised?

Sunday we went to Dan's cousin's mission farewell! It was lucky that it was Sunday and that we were in town so we were able to see even more family! And we surprised everyone too haha, no one knew we were going to be there because it was last minute. We went over to their house after to eat, talk, change and we were on our way again! The weather was pretty good there was a snow storm around Twin Falls but we muscled through it and arrived to the wonderful Boise at around 6. Man I haven't seen my family for 4 months! It's been so wonderful to be with them again. The house is all decked out and the tree is lit up and pretty- ah it's just great to be home! We unpacked our very, very stuffed car and later that night we went to go see some of the crazy lights in Meridian. It was so cool to see like 6 houses all lit up and timed to music!

I love the Holidays! :)


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