Buck Owen's Crystal Palace

Friday. Well last night I ate cereal before bed and Dan was making fun of me because I saved all the berries in my Captain Crunch for last. But anyways I thinking eating cereal before bed makes me have strange dreams!

I had a dream that I was going to be Brock Johanson's birthday. Lexi and I were at our house? I think we were all back in highschool but we had our own house. It was an old 80's house and we were recording ourselves and watching it on TV. Anyways, we were worried because Brock's birthday was specifically invite only and we had lost the invitations. Brock did it this way because last year he had waaayyy too many people come and a lot of those people weren't nice, but because he knew us we were thinking we could get in without our invites. We were excited to go because it was in his backyard and they were having a lot of good food! Suddenly I realized I couldn't go because I had a job interview at a local bowling alley. Michael Chamberlain was super upset when I told him I wasn't going to Brock's or if I could I'd be late. I go to my job interview and basically they wanted to show me the ropes to see if I could handle it. I go up to one of the employees and say "Hi, I'm looking for Brandy" (Brandy was the manager I guess) and the girl st the counter was like "Oh.. hold on" She gets on the phone and was talking to someone saying "Oh yeah she's here to see if she can do the job.. uh huh...okay..." then she gave me a really nasty look and said "oh well she's like... a freshman in highschool" I corrected her by saying "actually I'm a freshman in college" (I guess I was?) she hung up the phone and was like okay lets go. Then it was all intense to see if I could keep up! She was walking fast showing me things and tasks to do. After a full shift at the end there was a birthday party and for some reason it was Brock's. So like a good employee I brought him his cake but found him in tears! He was upset that something had gone wrong for his party. I think it rained so he had to move it inside. But anyways I started the happy birthday song and we had cake. At the end of my shift the mean girl showing me around told me I had to get a bowling ball unstuck. We were in the back of the lanes and the lanes were moving like treadmills (In my head I was like oh... is that how bowling works? Why didn't anyone tell me that) Anyways I stepped on one of the lanes by accident and was basically stuck on a treadmill. Then we found a body in the storage closet and saw that there had been a murder committed back there. The End.

During the day I wrote my talk and finished my post about Santa. Dan came home to hugs and kisses then he went to go work out and I talked to my brother on the phone. We went out to Rubio's for dinner. Dan is trying to get me to love Mexican food. I enjoy Mexican food more than I say I do because the thought of Mexican food is less appealing than the food actually is. Does that make sense? I'm saying the presentation of Mexican food isn't as appetizing to me as let's say, Italian food. Anyways, Rubio's was bomb! I got their gourmet steak tacos and it was seriously a step up from just a taco. Corn tortillas (which I usually don't like so it was pretty amazing for me to enjoy them) with crispy toasted cheese (2 types of cheese) steak sauteed with bacon, avocado slices, a creamy cheese cause, salsa and two chipotle lime sauces. UM SO GOOD. Seriously I'm drooling right now it was so delicious. Don't tell Dan but I liked it better than Chipotle.

I was reading the history of the restaurant and they started in San Felipe, Mexico. They had all these pictures depicting how awesome of a place San Felipe is and then I realized... wait... I've been there. Our first family trip to Mexico (years ago) was to San Felipe. My grandparents had a time share or something and we were checking it out. I started laughing because the pictures in this restaurant was making this town out to be like Cabo or Mazatlan (really wonderful places in Mexico). San Felipe is this tiny hole in the wall town that isn't nearly as touristy as those other places. It was funny to me and no one would know the difference!

After dinner we decided to walk to Kohls (across the parking lot) just to take a look. We didn't find anything extraordinary. I'm so excited to go shopping when I go home for Christmas. I think my mom and I are in need of a shopping trip that's not wedding related! And for those of you who know me, you know I am cheap and that I like to get awesome deals. Therefore I don't go shopping all that much or I just don't buy anything. I'm definitely looking forward to Gordman's, Ross and the Kohls clearance section back home. The Kohls here in California have a different style I'm not too fond of. Or maybe that's all Kohls and it's just their season now, I guess we'll see in Idaho!

As we were walking back to the car I see Cost Plus across the other side of the parking lot.

"Dan look! Cost Plus! Have you ever been there?"


"Let's go! Can we please??"

So we went to Cost Plus. I love Cost Plus. It's a world market store with a bunch of things from everywhere! I love going there to get my favorite foreign candy and drinks. Plus they have a lot of cool things to look at an play with. Sadly they didn't have kinder eggs.

So I got an Aero Bar instead

See what it looks like? It's like aerated chocolate like a bunch of little tiny holes in it. Delicious! It's like the new Hershey's that came out, they copied Aero Bars.

See? Copycats.

After that we indeed went home and watched White Collar. It was so intense! We love that show.

Saturday I woke up to the sound of sizzling bacon. Seriously, that's the best thing ever! My sweet husband got up so sneakily to make breakfast. Bacon and chocolate chip pancakes (my favorite). I got up and he's like 'You're not supposed to be up yet!' Haha he's so great! Breakfast was delicious. Then we did the usual cleaning. It's funny because we always clean the same things. He does the bathroom and I do the kitchen, but the funny thing is, we both think we're getting the good end of the deal. I would rather clean the kitchen and he would rather clean the bathroom. I don't complain :) Blasting Pandora Christmas station while cleaning is perfect! I can't wait for Christmas time at home!

For lunch we went to Panera because I've never been there! I know some people will be shocked but I've lived in Idaho where there isn't one. Anyways we went because I've heard a lot of good things about it and yes, it lived up to my expectations. It was quite delicious. It's a lot like Kneaders! We enjoyed it and I wanted to buy all the desserts they had! But I refrained :) 

While Dan studied I practiced my talk and was so excited to find out that some old Disney movies are now on Netflix. Hello, James and the Giant Peach! I used to love that movie haha. But in my excitement I must have fallen asleep because Dan woke me up when he was done studying haha oops

We watched some TV and saw the Heisman Award Ceremony then had a delicious dinner of pulled pork which had been cooking all day. A while ago Food's Co was having this huge sale on these pork sirloins. So I bought a huge pack of meat for $7 and we've been slowly eating piece by piece. I split it into 4 huge roasts that we've been eating. So for dinner we had a delicious pulled pork! We're also trying to use all our condiments, that's what we have the most of left, but luckily they're mostly condiments that go into making a great BBQ sauce!

After dinner we watched White Collar (it was so intense!) until just before 9. We had planned to meet up with David and his wife at Buck Owen's Crystal Palace. Apparently Buck Owens was a famous country singer and Bakersfield was his place or something so he made the Crystal Palace as a place to put all his memorabilia and stuff like that.

It was dark so these are pictures from Google so you can see what a cool building it is!

This is what is looked like on the inside. It was like a cool western saloon. The pictures are from my phone, camera battery died :(

We had a pretty fun night! They have a really good band there that played some good covers. Old country, new country, things that weren't country, it was great! And every song had a line dance you could learn so that's what we mostly did, country line dancing! It was so fun! But really, you could dance how ever you wanted to! About an hour after we got there everyone started getting even more drunk so really there was no judgement on the dance floor which made it so let loose and fun. There were old couples doing some rendition of a jive, young couples swing dancing. Everyone was just friends and would be more than happy to show you the line dance so you can get it down. It was great plus I got to dance with my husband which is always fun in my book! We don't get to do something like that too often. It was such a fun night!

Sunday we gave our talks! They went really went and we were right on time, so proud! I talked about how testimony should lead to personal conversion using Elder Bednar's talk Converted Unto the Lord and Dan talked about how we can keep Christ in Christmas. People told us we did a good job and although I think people always say that it makes me feel good to think that they didn't have to say anything at all so maybe we really did a nice job. I will admit I was super nervous but from my speech class last semester I seriously always will be nervous! That speech class has saved my life! Seriously it's trained me to make eye contact with the audience, not say um or other filler words and to being able to handle my emotions if they surface (which they did) but I handled it!

This week we are trying to eat all our food so we can donate the rest at our ward Christmas Party this Friday. Then we have Dan's work Christmas Party Saturday I'm excited for both! The getting fed for free part is really awesome when we're planning on almost being out of food :)

Happy Sunday!


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