"It's a Monday"

Monday. I forgot to tell everyone! Dan shaved his beard. He did it before his talk on Sunday because it was bugging him but I took pictures before he cut it all off.

Who knows when we'll see this beard again. Bye!

I also forgot to write down my dream and I had another one last night so here we go :)

I had a dream that I was living with roommates and someone was chasing me. I don't know why, they just were. So me and some people started running... somewhere... away. In my dream there was a prophecy that everyone knew about. In the prophecy it said that some one would double high five a dog while flying through the air. So I was running with some people and a dog and out of no where we practically ran off this hill. We are now flying through the air because we were running so fast. The dog flies over me... and suddenly both his paws met my hands... double high five while flying through the air. The prophecy was fulfilled and it was a big deal. I felt special. Then we all land and we are tumbling down this hill. Turns out it's a hill of bread. We realize that we are behind a shop that bakes bread and when it's a day old they have to throw it out and it's created a big pile of bread. So we start eating the bread and the employees come out and ask if they could have some. Technically they're not supposed to eat it but if we gave them some then it would be different. So we shared with them and the dog. The end.

Last night I had a dream that I was single and in college coming home for Christmas. I brought Dan, and my two roommates Megan and Annie. It was a really snowy drive but we got there. I had to run errands and on my way back home I got lost for some reason but then I suddenly recognized where I was. I was at Capital High school  The football team was practicing as I turned around in the parking lot and the coach stopped me and made me work out with them. I refused and he sentenced me with up downs. I was furious but as I started doing them I looked around and thought that maybe I should take notes to rat out all their plays to my old high school, Rocky Mountain. Best idea ever. Then the police finally came and took care of it and let me go. Phew, I was getting tired. The next morning my mom made this HUGE breakfast for everyone and made a TON of food for us to take home. Suddenly I realized that Rexburg was a two day drive from Boise (which really it's not) and that we would need the food for sure. She also gave me two $80 gift cards for breakfast for everyone each day. I remember my Grandma Bullock saying how awesome my mom was and I was like I know right? The end.

Every Monday I think of this video
"It's a Monday" You're welcome for the laugh :)

Well today was nice and relaxing especially after last night. I've had a toothache for a couple days- well more like just swollen gums, probably from food getting stuck or something. But I've been trying for the life of me to make it better- swishing with anything, light flossing and brushing. I knew it would heal in time but I was impatient and last night it ran it's rapid angry tantrum and boy did it hurt! It was aching all the way down into my jaw, I could just feel the muscle strain and the swollen bleeding gums. I was so grouchy because it hurt so bad! Not even Tylenol helped. But to my surprise I woke up this morning and it's been feeling better and better as the day went on. Thank goodness because it really hurt!

I wrote some letters to some of my missionary friends and family today. I've been so terrible at keeping in communication with them during the getting engaged, planning a wedding, getting married, driving everywhere, then moving here but they are some of the closest friends I have and I miss them!


Oh how I miss these people, they are my truest closest friends but I am so proud of them for serving the Lord. I love them all to pieces!

I've also been able to get rid of most my headaches. A combination of making sure I don't clench my teeth and drinking my water has done the trick. We now have a house rule that I can't leave the dinner table until I finish  my glass of water. I'm not kidding haha but seriously it's for my own good. I don't drink nearly as much water as I should and now Dan is encouraging me :)

Oh and while we're talking about Dan I meant to mention what he did Sunday night. I was telling him how I just wanted to bake and eat chocolate but we didn't have all the ingredients for any recipe. We don't have brown sugar, regular butter and barely any flour. I couldn't think or find anything to make. Dan to the rescue! No bake cookies! I used to not like no bakes so I forget they even exist sometimes. We had all the needed ingredients (mostly because we've been working through Dan's massive peanut butter storage. We'll never run out). Mmm they were just what my sweet tooth was craving. He has the best ideas.

Can you tell that Dan poured them? ;) Haha I love him

Then as Dan studied that evening I watched Aristocats! Um I forgot how much I loved that movie! It is so cute haha although there's lot of little mistakes and it's so old I really enjoyed watching it. I was on the couch giggling the whole time. I'm sure that wasn't distracting to Dan at all :)

Tuesday was just a normal day. I planned out our moving week and what I'm going to pack/clean each day. It makes me feel  better when I plan things out, they seem a lot more do-able. I have a list each day and if I complete it then I'll do things for the next day. I'm excited to go through our things and give away things we don't need, it'll be a wonderful purge before we gain all our wedding gifts back haha

I did spend the whole day thinking it was Wednesday but spent the evening giggling and watching clips from Whose Line is it Anyways with my head phones in as Dan studied. Dan brings home the coolest things from work! He brought home erasable highlighters. Erasable highlighters. I know right? It's really cool.

Okay well I thought it was cool.

Wednesday. I feel like it should be Friday already haha I don't know why! I'm doing a good job at trying to eat all of our food, but not too quickly. I'm just so anxious to start packing an cleaning. Is it weird I'm excited? Oh well!

Happy Wednesday!


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