Late Nights

Monday morning came with a surprise. A fantastic one! I got an email saying that we got the apartment we applied for!! We're not homeless!! I was freaking out, I almost ran outside (in my snuggie) to catch Dan before he left from work but I decided to call him instead. Ahhh we are so happy! We've been desperately looking for housing for what seems like for ever. Last Sunday Dan suggested that we fast together and it was a great experience. I felt really peaceful and was reminded how God is in control. I feel like we're being blessed more than I handle. How merciful is our Heavenly Father :) This biggest things are checked off our list, the next thing is finding a job.

Dan is working late and this time it's realllly late. Like it's 11:30 right now and I haven't heard from him since 6:30. I don't even know what to do with myself when he works late. I already do all my fun activities by myself during the day. Tonight I decided to eat ice cream (from a wine glass cause the bowls are dirty) wrap up in my penguin snuggie and watch The Proposal. Oh and wear Dan's jacket.

Here is an awesome video which all cat owners will for sure laugh at

Tuesday. The best thing about Dan working super late? He didn't have to be in to work until 9! Sleepin in :) Poor Dan was working so hard that he got a bad migraine and was working in between an upset stomach. Bleh right? But he's like Captain America and is indestructible. By the time he came home he claimed he was fine. He was so wired on caffeine (to get rid of the migraine) that he couldn't fall asleep until 2am but like I've said in the past he really doesn't need that much sleep. It was nice to spend more time with him.

Today we paid our last little bit of rent for here in Bakersfield and mailed our deposit to Rexburg. I'm so excited I almost can't believe we found such a great place. It's a newer apartment, 2 bedrooms, washer and dryer, with almost all (water, sewage, gas, electricity, internet) utilities included. I don't think cable is but that is what netflix and hulu are for. It's too good to be true I'm almost paranoid it's a scam... please pray that it's not! That would be terrible but I'm trying to not be paranoid and realize this is a blessing, it will work out :)

I've been sewing today while blasting Christmas music, perfect! (Christmas music on my iPod? Check) I finished up the rest of my gift and also made myself a simple ear warmer just for the heck of it.

I used this tutorial and pretty much winged it. I might put something on it to make it look cute. Or I might just leave it. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. It's not perfect... don't look too close.

Dan is working late (not as late woot!) tonight and I'm watching Wall-E. I love Wall-E! Last time it was on TV I was so excited and Dan thought I was kidding when I was turning to it. Then I realized it was on the Spanish channel. I'm not used to having a Spanish channel so I didn't even think twice oops haha But now I'm actually watching it :) and the best thing ever happened. After Wall-E was over Up was right after it. Oh how I love ABC.

If Dora the Explorer was a movie.

Wednesday's already Wednesday? It feels like Tuesday. Well as the middle of the week there's nothing too exceptional happening today. Dan was actually home by like 9ish last night which was nice but he went in early this morning. I'm so proud of him working so hard.

Today I've been writing one heck of another blog post. It's a novel seriously. Anyways it's thought provoking and I hope to find some good opinions about it.

Gratitude Journal
I am grateful for...

November 26 - Blessings of fasting. We have housing. We have a place to live. I can breathe and relax. I know that Heavenly Father knows our situation and has been watching over us. I know His hand was in this and we are so so SO thankful for the fact that we will have a roof over our heads next semester.

November 27 - Things that make where I'm at feel like home. During the days I can get pretty lonely but I'm grateful for the things that can make me feel at peace. Things like Christmas music. At our house during Christmas time there was a CD that I remember being played all the time every year. It's the Nylons Christmas CD. It was such a favorite that I know every song, every word. It's not Christmas unless that music is playing. It floods my mind with wonderful family times. It's a touch and a memory of home that I can have anywhere.

November 28 - Rain! Today it rained and I loved it! I don't know, there's always something I've loved about the rain. I don't like being in it or getting wet but I love the smell and I love watching it and hearing it.


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