Kardashians and Vikings

This week was busy! I feel like every night we had something fun to do! Monday night we had a mini fhe dinner with the Wasdens. Then played some games. We played this new game Blokus and liked it... probably because I beat Dan... :) It's a rare occasion for me. On our walk we also saw this pretty sunset!

Tuesday night the Wasden's invited us to the... I don't even know what it's called... the gathering of all the candidates for the republican primaries where they all hang out, eat food, network, do interviews until the results! Blake's dad, Lawrence Wasden, has been the attorney general for a long time and was looking to be reelected once again. Every candidate has a room with delicious food and everyone hangs out, eats food and talks. It was really cool for me- I've never been to this before... I didn't know it existed or would have thought you needed a special invitation. It was fun though! Lawrence won so that was great too!

I voted!

This is the big room where everyone mutually hangs out and where all the media was.

Recognize this guy?! If you don't then you're missing out on some laughs..

Lawrence finishing up an interview

Wednesday was my Dad's Birthday! He's one year older and hopefully wiser too :) We went to my parent's house that evening to celebrate with cake and ice cream. his favorite gift was of course the one he got himself :)

Thursday was super fun because I had time to cut at work so I was off at 4! I like working but it was super fun to be off early. Dan and I took advantage of the time and went and played a game of tennis! It was HOT! I loved it.

Friday Dan and I went to my favorite place- Olive Garden. These two girls I know gave us a gift card because I've let them borrow some of my old dresses for their dances for free. I was just so happy they loved them and were being used! I didn't need any payment so you can imagine my surprise (and joy) when I open a thank you card with a $50 gift card in it. Mmm I love Olive Garden.

At work we had a graduation party for Jared who graduated form BSU and Kaelynn who graduated from MVHS.

Speaking of work, here are my 2 favorite work stories from the week!

1. One day I came to work and my hair was like this:
This is a normal occurrence for my hair. This member came up to me and I said, "Hi! How can I help you today?" He walked up to me and just stared at me. I thought he was going to say something about my name but then he says is a low scratchy voice, "I like your hair." I was nodding and about to say thank you but he continued, "It reminds me of vikings." ... ... ... ... uh. What? Thank you? It cracked me up because he was totally serious, straight faced and monotone.

2. I had a member come up and ask me, "How do you cay your name?" I'm tellin' ya, if I had a quarter for every time I heard that question I'd be rich! It doesn't bother me though, it's a legit question! But this time when I told him how to say it he was like, "oh that sounds familiar... I think I've heard it before...like a Kardashian or something!" In my head I was laughing and almost slightly offended (in a joking way). I blame it on the same number of syllables... it kind of rolls of the tongue? None of the Kardashians are named anything close to mine. Not sure where that came from!

Day 14: Describe 5 strengths you have.

1. I'm pretty optimistic! I try my best to be happy most if not all of the time.
2. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty?
3. My foundation in God and Jesus Christ. I've always had a really strong desire to do what's right.
4. Not buying something at full price. My momma taught me well! Frugal to the bone!
5. Baking. Mmmm. My coworkers can attest to this! :)


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