
I honestly have never been a huge fan of Halloween. When I was younger it was pretty cool because you get candy but dressing up, especially the face make up was always a pain. Although I did have some awesome costumes I this this Halloween was probably the best one I've experienced yet. Halloween as an adult is weird because some people go all out and some don't and then they judge each other for it.

Anyways Dan and I started out our Halloween festivities by carving pumpkins! These pumpkins are from my parents garden! Cool huh! About half way through Dan and I looked at each other and couldn't figure out why we ever liked carving pumpkins. We both suck at it and here are pictures to prove it. Who's idea was this?

I don't know. Please don't ask.

We have been planning our Halloween at ICCU for months now and it all paid off! Everything was insanely good. We stayed the night before to set up and everything turned out great. Take a look for yourself!

I was in charge of the corner with the road leading to Emerald City

I was pretty happy with the finished product!

Poppy field

The making of the yellow brick road

Lobby cubicles! Glenda the good witch, Munchkin land...

Then the wicked witch of the west

The forest

The teller line

My manager Mark as the Tin Man

More yellow brick road

Me as Dorothy!

I made these shoes! Duct tape, paint, modge podge and glitter!

Leslie as a munchkin teller

Kaelynn as a munchkin ballerina

Jared as the scarecrow

Munchkin, bad witch and good witch

The tornado! 

the rainbow

Arielle as the lion

We're off the see the Wizard!

The whole crew!

It was such a fun Halloween! Everyone did so great on their decorations and costumes. Everyone who came in loved it! Especially the little kiddos who got candy and took pictures. It was all totally worth it because we won Best Decorations out of all the branches in the credit union!! We beat the branch we challenged so they have to buy us lunch and because we got more loans than them, they clean up our decorations as well as their own (even though we actually just cleaned up our own anyways. How did that happen?). The reactions I got all day were priceless but so worth it! It was probably the funnest Halloween I've ever had! And surprisingly the clean up was quick as well. Go us!

Friday night Dan had a soccer game. He's playing intramural soccer with the other GA's and this was their first game. It was fun to watch him play and talk with the other wives. I walked to the game by myself...in the dark... on the green belt... I definitely brought my knife! After the game we all went to grab something tasty at Starbucks! 

Saturday we woke up at the crack of dawn to go have breakfast with my coworkers! We went to Steve's Cafe and a total of 11 of us and a little one. It was really fun and the food was fantastic! After breakfast we ran some errands. First stop was an oil change for our car. We went to Einstein's Oilery which I found out is the coolest place ever! You get to stay in your car, they bring you complimentary drinks, soda, coffee AND you get a newspaper and/or their new Kindle to play games/read/mess around with. HOW COOL. Plus they were super nice and fast!

After that, the hunt was on for outfit for family pictures coming up. Luckily it didn't take us too long to find what we needed. We came home and I decided to chop all my hair off that day. Luckily the place I wanted to got o just had a cancellation, just my luck! Goodbye hair!



Like usual, I love it. It's A MILLION times easier to deal with! It took my poor hair stylist AN HOUR & 40 MINUTES to cut. I definitely dulled her scissors and gave her a work out. But it was all worth it and I love it! It's so light. Best diet I ever went on. Seriously, I lost like 2 pounds!


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