Video Overload

My favorite song right now

First time I heard it, it was blasting in my car. If I'm blasting a song the first time I hear it- Das a good song! Man it's so catchy, uplifting and dang good! I'm totally rocking out to it right now. Feel free to listen to it as you read this post!

This week has been pretty good!

I am learning so much! I seriously love my job. I get to wear cute clothes, I have nice coworkers & managers, my employment makes me feel important, I feel like the skills I'm learning are life long skills and I feel super cool a lot of the time (even though I'm really not). I finally have my own cash drawer now that I have to balance. Before I was mostly working out of an automatic money counter and dispenser to take out the beginner's human error. Having a cash drawer makes me feel cool. Having some keys makes me feel cool.  Having my own stamps makes me feel cool. Learning about and being apart of security procedures makes me feel cool. Bottom line- I'm not cool, but working at a credit union is.

He's the best. But other than that he is doing great. His classes are good and he likes them. They'll probably get more busy as time goes on. He likes his job too. He's always been good at explaining things and helping people so I'm not surprised. And during down time he gets to study or do homework so that's excellent!

Now that we have internet and MOST things have found their rightful place we will probably be working on getting a couch soon. This will be interesting because our door is super awkward to get big things moved in so who knows what will fit through there. One thing we do need is a step stool for the kitchen. Seriously, I am not kidding.

Yeah, our living room looks pretty sad, but what can we do! We don't even have a couch. But out of everything, those are the other things left to organize so I'm okay with that.

This weekend we went to the Boise & Air Force game! Dan always went to Air Force games as a kid so he was excited for this one. He walked to the game so that when I got home from work I could take the bike and meet him there. I missed kick off but I made it for the rest of the game. It rained but we didn't care, it was a great game.

Need another song? I got ya covered. My second favorite song right now.

I was super surprised to find out he sang this. I didn't know the name so I literally googled, 'Song with whistle at beginning 2013' and luckily some random yahoo user and I were on the same page. Thank goodness cause this song also rocks.

I love that I get to see this everyday driving to work
Dan was driving when I took this

 Running on the green belt or in Ann Morrison is easy because it's so close
Plus these were our running partners so that's awesome. There was also some Frisbee throwing dog catching event at Ann Morrison going on so I got to see a bunch of dogs! There was even a Corgi.

Speaking of things being close- Dan walks or bikes to campus and we walk to BSU games. No congested parking for us! Also in my commute to work, I'm driving the opposite of major traffic. When I see traffic backed up on the highway and Eagle I point and laugh (not really, I just feel thankful).

The rest of Saturday we went shopping to get some very needful things. Shower curtain liner, plunger, ant traps and a microwave. We got a screamin deal at Bed Bath and Beyond for most of those things and finally used up all of our wedding gift cards. I'm kind of sad but I'm also impressed they lasted us over a year! While we were out we grabbed Chick-fil-a for lunch yum! The rest of the afternoon was spent watching football until we met my parents for dinner at the Boise Fry Company to celebrate my mom's birthday this Tuesday! It was pretty good- I just love fries!

And now please allow me to share these short videos that I've been laughing at all week. (unless you're still listening to that song, finish the song then watch the videos :) )

You're welcome :)


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