Snuggies and Corgis

I'm cold. It's 68 degrees here and that's great because I was missing fall. I swear I have problems regulating my body temperature; I'm either really hot or really cold. Rarely do I fall in the middle. So when it's chilly here, I'm cold. (On a funny note, Dan and I switched sides of the bed again. Now that we don't use the AC I can sleep on the other side and now he can sleep on the side next to the window. So now the window is open AND he has a fan directly ON him. Crazy person.) So Dan and I received tons of blankets as wedding gifts and that's great. What's not great is that they're all in Idaho. We didn't think we'd need them here but luckily I have my penguin snuggie, socks and I did bring some long pants and shirts.

Right now I can just HEAR everyone in Rexburg and Utah giving me crap because they have snow. There all saying 68 degrees isn't even cold- I know, I'm a wuss. I will say this, I am SO GLAD I'm not there. For this I am grateful. Snow sucks hard core and I'm not excited for that. I guess the bottom line is, I didn't think I'd be cold here. Although somewhere deep deep DEEP down it makes me happy because it feels like fall. Weird huh.

 Oh and I found what Dan and I should have done for our wedding announcements.

(Not really but in a funny-obsessed-with-corgis way)


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