Party of 5
I think most people will be SHOCKED to find out I'm pregnant again. Because of the pandemic it feels like I just had a baby yesterday and no one got to see him grow up but believe it or not he'll almost be 2 when the baby is born! That's right baby number three will be coming November 2021!
It took almost a year to get pregnant with Carson and we didn't want another 3 year gap between kids. So it just worked out that I weaned Carson in February and we got pregnant in March. Much faster this time haha!
I was kind of in shock for a few days after the positive test. Like oh boy.. what have we gotten ourselves into. And I still feel that way kind of like I just went through all these baby phases with Carson and it feels so soon to be there again, super pregnant or sleepless night with a newborn. It feels SO SOON. But I have an even bigger feeling of peace and warmth that it is SO RIGHT for our family. This is just the season of life we're in right now, babies! I'll be able to work out and sleep later in life right? ;)
Week 4
I don't understand how this baby is AS TINY as a poppy seed but my round ligament pain is already giving me shooting pain? Is this a hormonal reflex because obviously I don't have any baby weight to carry. Well weight from baby #3, I still have weight from baby #2 for sure ;) It feels like lightning in my uterus. Someone please tell me that's normal haha! Nothing has changed, I don't have a bump that's just the way my body looks from Carson :)
Week 5
About half way through the week I started getting pretty hungry earlier than usual but nothing sounded good. The only thing I could think about was McDonalds fries so I went and got some haha! That's pretty unusual for me and I hope this isn't a sign of things to come or I'm in trouble. This is way toooo early for cravings. I also started feeling kind of blah towards food. Nothing sounds good. Except for pizza. I was pretty tired one day but mostly feeling normal.
Week 6
Two days I was SO TIRED. Still super hungry but nothing sounds good. When grocery shopping so that's helped now that I have more options. I can still eat anything but if I eat to fast or too much I get a little nauseous. Or the thought of what I just ate sounds gross. It's weird, I can feel the aversions coming. I also bought a bunch of stuff for when the morning sickness really hits. My go-tos are gingerale, apple juice, apple sauce, potato chips, mac n cheese, pizza hot pockets, french bread, mints and preggie pop drops. I'm super dreading it but I've survived it twice before so it'll be fine right. Right?!
Week 7
Most days were good this week. I am starting to feel pretty tired and definitely getting picky with my food. I can still cook dinners and such which is good. And usually by the time I smell the completed dinner, it sounds good to eat. I do have to eat slowly or I get nauseous.
Week 8
We got to see baby this week! I was so nervous. For no specific reason just desperately wanted to hear a heartbeat. Dan even got to be there for the ultrasound! When we first started the ultrasound it was just a black uterus. Empty, nothing. She was moving around, nothing except a small yolk sac. My heart sank and prepared myself for no baby this time. "Maybe you're just way earlier than you thought" I'm not, I know I'm right with my dates haha. Then deep in the corner of my uterus we find glimpse of a baby. It's in such an awkward spot that I have to push down on my uterus in order for her to even get a good read of the heartbeat. 170! Sigh of relief! So there is a baby, there is a heartbeat and the baby measured to the day of how far along I thought I was. Then we also found a 4cm cyst on my ovary. I know nothing about ovarian cysts but they tell me it should go away on its own and would only be a problem if it keeps growing. The tech is surprised I haven't been feeling it. Well since they told me about I can definitely feel it now! I was just attributing it to pregnancy. Phew! Little scare but all good news!
This week I have been tired and nauseous in the mornings. Some are better than others. I got some meds from my OB to help when it gets worse. Usually weeks 9 and 10 are pretty bad for me so here we go. We told our families and close friends yay! Telling Brooks and Carson was fun too. Well Carson has no idea but Brooks seems genuinely excited. He definitely wants a boy, of course.
Week 9
The start of the week I've been ok which is surprising and sometimes worries me. I'm not as sick as I have been with my last two pregnancies so it's a little unnerving having something different this time. It makes me wonder more frequently if everything's ok. But there are a few days a week when I get waves of nausea or am super tired.
Week 10
Definitely feeling more sick this week. I'm surprised of the foods I can still eat but I have to eat slow and take it easy after meals. I'm mostly nauseous in the mornings and after meals. I'm frequently eating ritz crackers and cheese. I get hungry quickly and get tired easily. I'm out of breath after changing Carson's diaper. It's better if I'm distracted and have snacks.
Week 11
I have felt the worst this week! I've been trying different meds and the second one made me so super tired. I feel like I got hit by a bus! A lot more food aversions, nausea and dry heaving this week. Oddly enough if I can get it under control in the mornings I can usually cook raw meat for dinner which is so weird. I went to the store to and bought a couple things that sounded good, cinnamon and sugar pop tarts, pb chocolate cookies and cool ranch doritos- wow does that scream PREGNANT haha! So I felt awful one day but the next day I felt really good so maybe that's a sign I've reached the morning sickness peak and it's all smooth sailing from here.... please!
Week 12
It's like every other day I bop from being a hot mess to being fine. My skin has been soo itchy, I probably need to drink more water but that's hard to do when you're nauseous. I had my 12 week appointment and everything went well. I even got another peek at baby because they needed to check on my cyst which is getting smaller. Baby was active and kicking around a lot with a heart beat in the 150's. All good news! Huge sigh of relief having to made it to 12/13 weeks. Hoping baby continues to stay healthy and strong. And because I'm apparently impatient this go around I got the blood test to see what the gender is. However I forgot to ask how and when I'll get the results so... it's a waiting game on that!
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