October - Brook Turns 5!

33 Weeks! Officially diabetic and started checking my blood glucose.

Brook turned 5 year old! He was so excited to go to school on his birthday. We bought treats to share with his class and he wanted to wear this ribbon all day that says "Birthday Boy" I just love this boy! We recently had parent teacher conference with his Pre-K teacher and she couldn't stop raving about Brooks. He is kind, helpful always on task, a great listener, one of the children she doesn't have to worry about. He has friends and is working hard at meeting all the academic standards they set for prek. I'm so glad that the wonderful boy I see at home is translating to the classroom so well!

Brooks gave me specific instructions that he wanted me to decorate while he was at school so he could come home and be surprised, not first thing in the morning. So while he was gone that's exactly what we did! He wanted a monster jam birthday so I found this great banner on amazon, streamers and balllons everywhere. When he came home he loved it!

After school we took him to lunch at Hat Creek Burgers where Brooks and Carson ate then ran around their fun playground. Brooks even got a soda, look at that smile!

Brooks also wanted a Monster Jam cake and wanted to help make it. We bought a premade Hershey's cake at walmart and then he decked it out the way he wanted with oreo 'tires', cookie crumbs, more frosting with ramps and sprinkles and of course 2 new monster trucks on top. He loved decorating it and loved how it turned out.

We set up all his gifts in a scavenger hunt because he loved it so much last year and he loved it again this year! Brooks got some wonderful gifts for his birthday; walkie talkies, new monster trucks and dirt squad, a baseball book, paw patrol books, a doodle pad, a marshall fire truck and this geode kit!

Every once in a while Carson will have the hardest time going down for nap and just scream... so sometimes I let him nap on Brooks' bed and he does! Maybe he's telling me he wants a toddler bed?

Marshal fire truck from mom and dad definitely was a winner! With both kids as you can see.

Grandma and Grandpa Bullock were in town for conference weekend and Brooks' birthday. One day when we were at the mall the boys loved riding on these little machines.

We all went to the pumpkin patch and boy it was hot! That's what Texas is, going to a pumpkin patch and sweating your butt off in "FALL". I'm so glad my parents were there because I wouldn't have been able to chase and handle this kids on my own. Being so pregnant, everything starts to hurt and walking is getting difficult haha! This pumpkin patch always has fun characters and this year they had some of my kids' favorites! Paw Patrol, Daniel Tiger and Mickey! Brooks loved this hay maze just for kids and did it like 4 times because we left.

Ice cream after was a must after it being so warm!

We've been looking for a baby name and I downloaded this baby name app that Brooks and I like to look through for fun sometimes. We giggle at the names that we just think are BIZARRE. One day the name Folkert came up and we laughed until we cried! A week later he comes home with this from school and I lost it, I was laughing so hard! I love this kid!

Birthday money!

My bestie Tara threw me a baby sprinkle so this is me at 34 weeks headed there! It was so perfect, chatting and hanging out with friends, just the break my soul needed! She was even so thoughtful and had the best spread in relation to my GD- my numbers were perfect that day! I'm so lucky so have wonderful women and friends around me.

Morning shenanigans

Brooks and Dan both had Columbus Day off so we all went to lunch and then played our hearts out at Bicentennial Park. The kids played so hard! Ran around did all the things, played in the sand, got super wet, went down all the slides. Carson tripped big time and almost bit threw his lip. Thankfully it was ok and healed fine on his own after a few days of a fat lip. This kids had so much fun and were so worn out afterwards.

One morning we found a large dead rabbit in our neighbors front yard. They moved out about 3 weeks ago and no one else has moved in yet. I didn't want it decomposing in front of our kids plus what if the new neighbors ended up moving in and they come to their new house with a huge dead rabbit in their yard, awful right?! I'm not even sure what killed it and left it there. The bobcat? Coyotes? A dog? I definitely don't want the first two in our front yards! So I had Dan get a shovel and throw it out back. I was low key hoping it was the bobcat and he would come back so I could see him but all we lured in was this giant vulture who had a grand feast.

I should have known Carson would climb this. Every time I turn around he's on top of something new. Look at that face, he is so proud.

I totally forgot to do the normal picture in the chair for Brooks' birthday but a couple weeks late isn't bad! He's still 5 haha

Of course Carson wanted in on the pictures too, but wouldn't smile.

My friend Calli and their family started a pumpkin patch this year. They have some land and the cutest farm animals- sheep, goats, chickens and a cow. The kids pet and fed the animals, we picked out pumpkins and they ran around the farm having a blast with their friends. Carson was so funny, he was afraid of all the animals except the chickens. He chased them around constantly trying to pick them up. He was so close a couple of times but bailed.

Super grateful for inventions like this so I can still have ice cream while being diabetic.

Carson likes to sleep with his feet outside the crib which is cute and all until one day he actually got one of his legs very stuck between the rungs. Never had a kid do that before and it took some force to get it out. Poor kid was traumatized and refused to nap in the crib afterwards, pointed to Brooks' bed and napped there. Thankfully by the evening he was so tired and forgot about it that he was fine to sleep in his crib again. Next day he had some bruises show up around his knee, poor guy! He got it stuck good.

What Carson does at Brooks' t-ball games. Eat snacks, play with toys, empty mom's purse and roll around.

Believe it or not I actually needed some newborn clothes. All the newborn pj's I have are buttons and by your third kid you don't have time for buttons. So I got to buy some new ones from Old Navy and these are so cute! Two way zippers and mitten cuffs! Plus I had to buy this turkey one for Thanksgiving!

Carson puts these plates away. Was the color order on purpose or coincidence?

Teething equals napping on Brooks' bed again.

Organizing some of the kids clothes and I had to dig this one out! Tara made this for Brooks when Carson was born and I loved having Carson wear it!

In October the Bell Air Force hosts an airshow and every year they have jets out practicing the week before that we can frequently see over our house. This year we got the best show with the Blue Angels flying right over our house, doing loops and dives- it was amazing! We all loved it... except for Carson. Of course they're super loud and Carson was terrified. He wouldn't go outside the next day and clung to us when he did.

I went to a witches night out with a bunch of new and old friends. It was so fun! Plus the pharmacy didn't fill my prescription of test strips and I ran out so technically I got to have a night off of my so called diet.

We went to Costco to stock up on pantry things before the baby comes and when we came out we see a helicopter land in the Target parking lot. They were having some sort of community fair with a lot of tents, so he walked over there to check it out.

The police were there, firemen, paramedics and swat with all their vehicles for kids to tour and learn about. Fun handouts of coloring books, stickers, hats and footballs. The police even set up a bike course where they teach kids about road signs. Each kid gets fitted with their own helmet and they get to keep it. Brooks LOVED the bike track and would have stayed their all day. It was such a fun event we stumbled on

Carson loved the firehat, stickers and football he got.

Carson and I hanging out at t-ball

Our wards trunk or treat was so fun! They had a chili and cornbread cook off, carnival games for the kids and then the trunk or treat afterwards. The kids were so cute in their costumes! Carson was confused for the first two trunks of how trick or treating worked but then it clicked and he was off to each trunk holding up with pumpkin, it was so funny!

Mickey wedgie from dancing

36 Weeks!

Brooks' outfit choice

Poor bud picked up some kind of quick stomach bug. I'm grateful that the one and only time he threw up was in the garage and driveway- so thankful it wasn't in the car! He almost threw up a couple more times but fought it back. We watched movies, napped on and off and snuggled on the couch. He had a low fever so I get him on a rotation of medicine around the clock. Thankfully he also slept well at night and Brooks didn't get it!

Sleeping during pre-k pick

Brooks' pre-k picture. The more I look at it the more I laugh! I haven o idea what kind of face he's doing but I love it. "Mom, I smiled so good!"

Now that this bug was feeling better he's back to my stage 5 clinger. Always RIGHT next to mom.

Panting pumpkins!

Best I could do with a grumpy Carson that day

We also had Brooks' last day of t-ball! He did really well and really enjoyed practice and the games. He was so proud to get a trophy!

37 Weeks! Technically full term! Ok baby, you can come anytime...

Happy Halloween from Mickey and Chase. They both picked out their costumes and looked awesome in them! We did have to wrestle Carson into his Mickey outfit but once he realized we were trick or treating he was on board. I loved watching them run from house to house together, saying thank you and being so sweet!

Thank you internet for the minimalist idea of 8 ball for Halloween. Pregnancy costumes can get... weird and creepy sometimes. I don't want to be that person! 8 ball was so easy for my low energy- done!

The kids came back with a good haul of candy! We had a really fun night together and that kids loved it!


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