38 Weeks

 38 Weeks

The baby is the size of a winter melon. Who legit knows what that is?

He is for sure a boy, still nameless, last ultrasound estimated he was around 6 lbs in the 60%

All the aches and pains I'm having are very normal except this shooting leg pain I'm having. Randomly my leg will just GIVE OUT. Completely dead leg. It doesn't even feel connected to pregnancy, it's like in the center of my leg and happens randomly. It was amusing at first but now it's annoying. I'm sure the baby is just pushing on a nerve that turns my leg off or something. It's so bizarre and something I've never experienced for.

I started this pregnancy with a higher weight than I would have liked to have but right now I'm at a 16.5lbs gain which is good. I haven't gained any weight, an actually lost some since because diagnosed with GD. So that's what happens when you cut out sugar and deny a pregnant women of all cravings. I'm so ready to be done with GD. It's so annoying to not be able to eat what you want or when. I would love to just eat a bowl of cereal or drink a glass of orange juice without being controlled by numbers or what time it is. Grab a granola bar for a snack and I am so done with salads for or with every meal. If I had to do this longer I probably would opt for insulin but it seemed pointless when I was barely diagnosed with only 8 weeks left.

Brooks seems genuinely excited to have another baby, I think that this is going to rock Carson's world though. He is very attached to mom and surprises me often so I think it could go one way, but honestly Carson is a wildcard, who knows what's going to happen.

I've generally been sleep well, as long as my kids do but this week I've been extra tired, more heartburn than usual and feeling a little bit crampy every now and then. I can't tell if baby has dropped yet, I look at myself everyday, it's hard to see or feel a change. My ribs don't hurt AS much but they still hurt so maybe he's dropped a bit? There was one day this week especially where I just didn't have an appetite for anything. It was so strange. I don't know if these are early signs of labor or if I'm just getting my hopes up. I'd rather have labor start naturally than be induced but it's really not up to me! We will just have to wait and see.


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