Carson: 11 Months



  • Clothing size: 9-12 months
  • Diaper size: 3
  • Probably around 20 lbs
  • 7 teeth, 3 top and 4 on bottom
  • Walking! He started getting really good at 10.5 months
  • Learned to wave, signs milk, more and all done.

  • LOVES books
  • Being on the couch (and can successfully get off now too!
  • Dad
  • Playing with Brooks (much to his dismay sometimes!)

  • Closing doors
  • Waiting for food

My baby is WALKING! I'm so proud but it breaks my heart. I knew he'd walk as soon as he could and it is my favorite thing to watch a baby learn to walk. So magical! It only took him a good 2 days to be walking across the room. Right now he's walking probably 40% of the time, crawling (or bear crawling ha!) is still faster for him when he's hustling. You can tell how happy walking makes him and he just can't wait to be chasing Brooks around.

I can definitely see he's loosing interest in breastfeeding a bit. He nurses 3 times a day 7am, 1:30pm and 7pm and it seems to fit his need perfectly. He is not patient for food and will scream as I'm making him lunch or as we're saying the prayer. He loves food and eats almost anything. I'm thinking around his first birthday I'll drop a nursing session and do morning and night then every two weeks cut out the last two and be done by 13 months! 

Carson was outgrowing his ZipadeeZip so I bought him some sleep sacks. There wasn't any transition issues, other than he scratched himself GOOD the first night. He's been fine ever since. He still sleeps with a binky... I'm hoping to take that away before 2 years old.. I'm not looking forward to it. He sleeps through the night 7:30pm - 7am. We rarely have to go in and rock him but if we do it's because he's teething or feeling under the weather. He takes 2 naps 10am and 2pm which ususally puts on a 3-3-4 schedule which is working for now.


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