
Above are photos by Brooks, you're welcome!

We have had a great month of sleepless nights, rocking a baby, napping when we can and finding a new normal as a family of four. The first couple weeks Carson and I basically just eat and slept. I slept a lot when he did while Dan and Brooks went and did fun things. As the month progressed occasionally as I was feeling up to it, Carson and I would join them. Brooks has been able to do a ton of fun things this month: going to the park multiple times (gotta love Texas winters!), jumping at the trampoline park every week, playing at Kid Mania a couple times, playing arcade games, going to a Dallas Stars game and a Mavs game, going to the museum and of course- ChickFilA lunches!

Lately the pictures Brooks bring home form church have us rolling with laughter! For this one he told us, "Mom I colored Lehi's tents on fire!" Oh!... haha... that's greaaaat honey...

Brooks making brownies with Dad while I have this view on my lap!

This is one of my favorite pictures! Carson is just sooo little next to Dan!

Brooks totally loves Carson... a bit too much sometimes!

Carson was a little unsure about his first bath. He seems to be okay with them now but of course doesn't enjoy being cold afterwards, but really does anyone? And the amazing view of my baby taking a bottle. I'm praying we continue to have success with this!!

For Valentine's Day we kept is super low key. I bought a couple fun things for Brooks. He went a played at Kid Mania with Dad then after naps we made a decorated cupcakes!

Dan's company sends us a cute package when you have a new baby. DHG onesie, bib and a cute stuffed animal!

This picture from church says to circle the examples of good choices. What does my kid do? Colors the picture of a kid punching the other. Oh boy!

I look over to see Brooks 'breastfeeding' his 'baby'

We all went to the park on a nice day and took Brooks' bike. Well he was going to fast and hit a big mud puddle and took a little swim. He was so brave but poor thing was soaked and muddy!

 I took this at Carson's 1 month appointment, such a cutie!

Tara bought these cute matching shirt and onesie for the boys but Brooks was being stubborn and wanted to wear this Mickey jammies. So I took his picture anyways hoping to convince him later, which I did!

Little Brother and Big Brother so cute! Then Brooks started pulling the funniest faces!

When I rock Carson at night sometimes I see this. WIDE AWAKE.

Carson cried after seeing Elmo ha!

 Our local Chick Fil a hosted a monster truck so of course we had to go! It was so cool and fun, Brooks loved it!

Then Brooks and Dan wnet to Monster Jam that weekend. Brooks loved it and was so into it! While at home Carson and I chilled and took cute pictures. Look at those CHEEKS!

We went and cheered on Dan during the Cowtown 10k early one morning

Dan took Brooks to get donuts and I went to feed Carson in the care before we drove home. I take him out and cradle him to feel warm, wet, slimy. Blowout. All down his leg, up his back. With one hand covered in poop and the other holding  Carson I grab my purse, open the truck and lay him down. I find I only have 1 diaper (thank goodness!) and ONE WIPE. I had 2 onesies and one of them was an old cheap white onesie. I decided sacrifice the old onesie and use it with my one wipe to clean him best I can until we get home and can bathe him. 
I had to laugh at myself, what a rookie mistake haha!

New jams from grandma


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