2 Months: Carson

  • Clothing size: 3 months
  • Diaper size: 1 
  • 13 lbs (70%), 23.5 in (74%) Because of the COVID19 pandemic our appointment for Carson is delayed so these are our best measurements done at home!

  • Snuggling
  • Sitting up
  • Looking at the 'R' on our wall
  • Brooks

  • Waiting for food
  • Getting squeezed too hard by Brooks ha!
  • Having his face covered
  • Wind


Carson is such a sweet and good baby! He's pretty calm and usually only fusses when he's tired, hungry or needs a diaper change. He's starting to smile and coo! Oh I just love those baby noises, they are the sweetest! He found his hands this week and sucks on them, when he can get them. His cheeks just keep getting bigger and better. They are so cute!


For the first 7 weeks it's been pretty random which I expected. Day time naps I don't care about as much but I was yearning for more predictability at night. Carson was getting up to eat 3 or 4 times a night consistently then more in between to be soothed back to sleep. Just this last week, 4 out of 7 nights he's gotten up to eat twice and one night he only ate once! Not sure if this is a trend but I'm going to appreciate it while it lasts! There has been a couple times where after I feed him at 3am he's just wide awake staring at me. Then I have to spend 30 minutes rocking him back to sleep. 


Honestly there's not much to say here, everything is going well. He still takes a bottle and loves eating. He eats every 3 hours, sometimes 2 during the day if he's clustering. During the night he's gone 4 or 5 hours. He's not much of a snacker and gets really mad if I try feed him when he's not hungry or if I try to 'top him off'. 


I had my 6 week checkup and have been cleared for normal activity. I feel better than I did last recovery and feel totally back to normal, just with less muscle mass haha. I started Kayla Itsines postpartum workout to slowly get back into it and regain some muscle. I haven't had hardly any anxiety this round which has been amazing. I think having Dan home for so long and having family around to help after he went back to work made such a huge difference for me. I'm so thankful for all the help I got!


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