
My parents were here the beginning of October so I took them to the Texas State Fair!

We ate corn dogs, fried pumpkin pie, friend Texas sheet cake and friend cream puffs. We went to the petting zoo which Brooks loved! It was pretty warm but we had a good time!

2016 trying to GET THIS BABY OUT. 2017 trying to GET THIS BABY TO STAY LITTLE!

The next day we went to the park and accidentally found a splash pad. I already shared this picture but I just love it so much!

For the actual day of Brooks' birthday we made sure to celebrate! We woke him up with balloons.
"What's going on?"                                   "Oh! Balloons!"

The real treat was going out to breakfast with Dad!
I tried to fill his day with all of his favorite things. Playing outside, playing with friends, tacos for dinner and more cake!
He was not a fan of the party hat
He did approve of the cake!

We tried to pretend it was fall and went to the pumpkin patch with friends!

He kept picking up all the pumpkins to lick them?

 It definitely wasn't fall. It was bright and hot!

A week later it finally was chilly in the mornings and had some good walks!

We've been putting together our 72 hour kits and got this backpack for Brooks. Little did I know that he would love wearing it so much! Darling! And he would keep it on for hours. Swoon.
This is what 1 year molars looks like

While shopping for our 72 hour kits Dan bought B his own little camp chair. I died when I saw him in it and he loves sitting in it too!

I had to work some magic on his Halloween costume. I was making sure the hat fit and he liked it for 1 second, then ripped it off.

Dan's company plays in a softball tournament every year. Last year we went and Baby Brooks was only two weeks old! It was our first outing I would say. This year Brooks and I went to watch Dan play around lunch. We'd only been there for 30 minutes when a foul ball came our way. It happened so fast all I heard was a "HEADS!", then the ball hitting the concrete and Brooks crying. My heart just dropped. He was standing right next to me and I quickly picked him up and looked over him. Eyes, ears, jaw, nose, all over the head- no sign of the ball hitting him. People kept asking me if it hit him and I said no, I think it just scared him.

It didn't take him long to calm down which made me feel better. I heard it hit the concrete and he's acting fine now so it must not have hit him. Then I found this.

Oh I was so sad for him! I'm thinking it must have hit the concrete then Brooks. We're pretty sure he didn't take the full blow which made me feel better. I wish I could have had faster reflexes at the time, so sad! But man is this kid a trooper! He was running around 10 minutes later and forgot it ever happened.

After the softball game it was our nephew, Alex's baptism! It was a great service and such a nice time to be with family and friends.

We loved having family in town and had a great time with Dan's parents and brother who made the trip to visit! Brooks unfortunately was having a rough patch of sleep that weekend which resulted in this.
Can you blame them though?

Halloween time! Dan was out of town but Brooks and I went to our ward's Trunk R Treat and had a blast! Halloween with a toddler is... interesting. Get ready to run! He was so darling in his costume and was chasing people pups all night who were also dressed up.

 The next day I let him try a sucker. It was love at first sight.

The last weekend in October had a lost of activities we could go to. In our area there was an outlet mall opening, the annual Blue Angels air show and our neighborhood fall festival. We went to help clean the church in the morning but it was magically already done! In the afternoon we headed to the fall festival!

Brooks got to meet the Fire Department

He LOVED the petting zoo. We weren't surprised but it was so sweet to see him try to be soft and pet the animals. He was squealing and smiling so big!

The pony ride was a big hit too! He was so sweet and pet it so softly.

I bought pumpkins while Dan was out of town and asked if he wanted a giant one. He said large was good.. so I got the biggest one I could carry. I also purchased a carving set with patterns for the first time. I'm here to tell you, it makes a big difference! I actually carved a good pumpkin!

I just have to include pictures of B and his friend Maggie. They are so sweet together!

For Halloween we hung outside and handed out candy. Brooks 'trick or treated' with the neighbors and they all loved him costume. We gave him a bag of M&Ms to play with and he ended up chewing through the bag and eating the candy! Determined kid!


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