4 Months

Don't look too closely, there's spit up all over him

  • Clothing: 3 month & 3-6
  • Diaper size: 2
  • 14 lbs 7 oz (25%), 25.8 in (73%) & 41.3 cm (35%)
  • Learned to grab his toes & toys
  • Making consonant sounds
  • Good head control
  • Rolled over!
  • Grabbing his toes, especially during diaper changes
  • Chewing and now SUCKING on a pacifier
  • Taking baths in the big tub
  • Looking at himself
  • Kicking his legs

  • Still not too keen on tummy time (we're getting better!)
  • Waiting for food
  • Wind


His pediatrician says everything looks good for the most part. He's still favoring one side of his head so I'll double my efforts to help with that. He has great head control, he's hitting all the developmental milestones he should be and he's in good percentiles. He of course cried for his shots but was ok once I picked him up.

I am loving this stage! The crying has subsided, the 4th trimester is over and I have a happy and well adjusted baby (most of the time). Don't get me wrong, he still cries when he's hungry, tired, sick or wants to be held and played with but for the most part the crying for no reason is gone. Brooks is now getting frustrated with being on his back and his belly. He wants to sit up, stand and see everything. When I put him on his belly all he tries to do is crawl and scoot around instead of lifting his head.


He was my plus one at a friend's baby shower while Dan was out of town and I was kind of nervous for how he'd be because I totally threw him off his routine. It was in the evening so we did bath and pjs early then got in the car and went. When we got there the lady who answered the door really sweetly got down on Brooks' level and asked, "And who is this cutie?" From the look on his face she quickly said, "Whoops I think I scared him..." 


I couldn't help but laugh! I guess he wasn't paying attention because she didn't jump out or make any sudden movements. Poor guy was just totally thrown off. He calmed down really easy but I've never seen him so scared before!

He fell asleep in my arms at the baby shower, then on the car ride home so I had to wake him up twice- put him in the car, get him out of the car and to bed. I was anxious to see if he'd sleep that night and he totally did.

If you follow me on instagram you've seen that in the last two weeks ago Brooks suddenly figured out the pacifier. We were playing and it was just right there and he usually chews on it but this time he started sucking. I've decided to treat the pacifier as a toy. So he can have it when we're awake and playing but when it's nap time or bed time I don't want him to have it because I KNOW he'll love it too much then wake up every time it falls out. He sleeps great without it and I'm going to keep it that way. The only exception is at church because I might be desperate to get him to nap! If you're wondering yes I tried a bottle and no he still won't take it.

He is laughing, smiling and talking a lot and I'm loving it. I'll do anything to get those baby giggles! I love that he recognizes me, gets excited when he sees me, when I play with him and when I pick him up. The other night he was really clingy so I put him in my wrap but on my hip instead of my chest because he likes to look out. He was happy in there with his bink for over an hour. When I was taking him out he actually laid him head on my chest and snuggled with me! He's not a snuggler, he likes to be up and looking around. Very rarely will he lay his head down on me. He did for like 30 seconds and it was best!

Brooks rolled over! And I didn't even see it. One Sunday morning Dan took Brooks so I could get a bit more sleep and Brooks rolled over for Dan! I've seen that he can do it, that he's trying but I haven't seem him successfully do it yet. He can army crawl though! He gets so frustrated during tummy time he ends up scootin around quite a bit.


The other night Dan and I decided to try a dreamfeed. Usually I'll feed Brooks during our bedtime routine and just leave him until he wakes up anywhere between 12-2am. However he was either too distracted or tired that he didn't eat hardly anything before bedtime. A dreamfeed is when you top off baby when you go to bed so that baby doesn't wake up right after you've fallen asleep. Brooks has been asleep for about 2 hours and I really didn't want to wake him but we thought it was worth the try. Some people dreamfeed regularly and love it. For the life of him, he would not wake up! I picked him up, put him upright, jostled him around as I got settled, stuck it in his mouth and... nothing. I talked to him and started singing a bit. NOTHING. Put him back down in his crib and he was still gone. He slept until 3am so I guess he was full enough and really tired! Dreamfeed fail. Sidenote- it's funny how sometimes babies wake up so easily and how other times they are a paper weight. I guess different places in the sleep cycle.

It's been spit up city lately because of the antibiotics and steroid I was taking for my sinus infection. I checked with the Dr. and the pharmacist that both were safe to take while nursing and they assured me they were. However I did research online anything I should be aware of. Good thing I did because I did see some side effects- loose bowels, fussy and more spit up. I comfort fed him a lot that day. As soon as I finished the steroid pack everything started getting back to normal. The amoxicillin didn't seem to bug him as much but I'm glad to be done with both and get my happy baby back!

First nap in his crib! I wasn't planning on it but with this new binky thing he was falling asleep while playing which NEVER happens. I guess now that he's figured it out it's just so soothing to him. anyways this only lasted for 20 minutes! Typical.

His face in the one on the right cracks me up!

We're in a good napping/ sleeping routine but I wouldn't call it a schedule because it's not the same time everyday. He'll take anywhere from 3-4 naps a day, usually 2 short and 1 long or if he's really having a tough day 4 short naps. Nap consolidation later is developmental so I'm not too worried about it right now.

He went through a period of more wakefulness at night but now we've been doing good. Sometimes 1 or 2 wake ups in the night but he usually goes right back down. Just in time for the 4 month sleep regression? Not excited for that so we'll see.


I haven't written much about me because mostly everything has been the same but now here comes the hair loss! Around 4 months a drop in hormones occur which can trigger massive hair loss. I haven't experienced it falling out in chunks (yet) but I'm seriously shedding! I have a lot of thick hair so right now it's actually kind of nice to reduce the volume of hair I have... I might be eating my words later. Also I'm now weighing less than I did before I even got pregnant. Either my scale is wrong or my body is confused. My ab muscles still feel nonexistent though and I feel like a camel. Always thirsty!


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