Brooks is 3!

  • Clothing: 3T shirts, 18 mo-2T for pants. 3T is too big ha!
  • 29 lbs (25%), 38 in (71%)

  • Anything with wheels- cars, trucks, trains, construction vehicles, airplanes
  • Peanut butter, queso
  • Books
  • Baseball, soccer, football, basketball
  • Being goofy and silly

  • Broccoli, green beans
  • Being told what to do


If I had to describe Brooks in 3 words they'd be sweet, funny and determined. He is so thoughtful and observant oh! and this kid remembers EVERYTHING! Any promise you made, things that happened over a year ago, when you missed reading a page in a book- EVERYTHING. He hears everything and it's hard to get anything passed him. He is also so goofy and loves to put on a show if it'll make you laugh. He loves laughing and wants life to be fun and goofy. Lastly he is so determined which can also make him get frustrated easily too. He wants to figure it out on his own and if he wants something, he's going to find a way to get it.

One thing that surprises me about Brooks is how good he is. He responds to boundaries and schedules very well. When he knows what's expected of him he will usually meet those expectations. He's also very obedient and I can trust him with a lot more than a normal three year old. For example if I leave markers or a sharpie out within his reach on accident he won't write all over himself or the walls. He won't go into my bedroom (where he's not supposed to be) without me or without asking. He's not perfect and has plenty of age appropriate melt downs and tantrums but over all he's a really good kid!

Diet, Sleep & Milestones

One thing I've never had to worry about is Brook's being a good eater. He loves food, plays hard and eats a lot. I really only have to try to get him to eat vegetables, I mean which is totally understandable. He sleeps from 7:30pm - 7am and takes a 1.5 hr nap during the day after lunch. I'm starting to see the beginning signs of mayyyybe dropping his last nap but he's always been a high sleep needs kid (like his mom) so I'm just going to keep doing what we're doing.

He decided he wanted to potty train back in April and we did. It was hard but he learned and it was great. Then around six months later we hit a big regression. Suddenly it wasn't as fun for him anymore and he started to refuse to go or try. That was a trying couple of months and some of that was when I was in my first trimester and sick! However we've been navigating it the best we could and have been coming out of it. I'm sure I'll see another regression when the baby is born, I heard that's common.

The last new thing was for his birthday we moved him into a new room with a big twin bed. We had talked to him about it for a while and he helped put a lot of him room together. When we made the big switch he did so well! He loves his new room and the fun new pictures on his walls.


  1. I remember three year olds. Such a challenging time but full of growth, too. Love his smile and your attitude as a Mom. Love y'all.
    Grandma B.


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