
Our December started off jam packed with all things Christmas because Christmas is so fun with a toddler! We went to our HOA tree lighting and brought Brooks to take a picture with Santa. He was not into it so I sat in with him because I didn't want to traumatize him. Overall he was scared of him but still took a candy cane after.

We went to a local high school play off game and ended up sitting with some friends and had a great time! Brooks loved yelling helmet, hike, football and touchdown!

These Santa jammies didn't fit Brooks but when I tried them on him he insisted I take a picture, oh my heart! My mom sent us The Little Lamb from Bethlehem and Brooks just adored it.

Our local park does awesome lights and music every year and this year like the rest did not disappoint! Brooks liked the snowmen and presents but wasn't too fond of the yeti.

I didn't get any pictures but we went to DHG's Christmas party down at the Stockyards. Tara watched Brooks for us and we went and ate great food and tried our hand at the 'casino night'. We watched a couple of youtube videos on the casino games I didn't know (aka all of them). We stayed away from roulette and ended up at the craps table most of the night! Texas holdem and black jack just weren't as appealing to us I guess. We doubled our funny money turned it into raffles but didn't win a prize. It was still fun to see friends from work and fake gamble though!

It was free cookie day at Cha-lay (chick fil a as Brooks says it) so we picked some up before grocery shopping and just let him go ham on it. He was covered by the time I checked out but I shopped in peace! #worthit

One of my favorite things to do every year is go to Texas Motor Speedway and drive through the Gift of Lights. They decorate everything in lights and you drive through and look at all the awesome displays. Then they have a Santa's Village you can go in eat, take pictures and enjoy. This year they had race cars parked in the building which was Brooks' favorite. He still didn't like santa but tolerated the polar bear.

Brooks and I did a lot of fun Christmas crafts this year but this reindeer hand print has to be my favorite! It took about 5 hand prints before we got a usable one. If only I could get him smiling and not blurry in the same picture!

Making this gingerbread house was mostly making sure Brooks didn't eat all the candy.

Goofy pictures of Brooks wearing my corgi socks and church shoes and making a bubble beard.

Before we left for Boise for Christmas we had some friends over for a before Christmas dinner. We made ham, potatoes and rolls with martinellis. This table was a Christmas gift from my brother but I opened it early because it was just so perfect for Brooks and Addy to eat at. All day Brooks was talking about, "dinner, friends! Addy sit here?" When I set the table for the adults Brooks insisted on doing the same for their table. It was so cute, he's so smart! The two of them ate (hardly) and mostly giggled and jabbered back and forth- so cute! The second picture was a fun Christmas Activity for moms and toddlers. We actually got a decent picture!

Christmas came early this year! Because we were flying to Boise for Christmas we didn't want to take all our gifts there and home, so we opened them all early. Brooks LOVED Thomas and his new train tracks! He also got a car mat, trolley & Daniel Tiger, clothes, books, puzzles, blocks, stuffed animals and dump trucks.

 Then we made the trek to Boise. I had tons of snacks and fun new toys for Brooks to play with in the plane. He's a pretty chill toddler so we were surprised when he just lost it for 30 minutes at the beginning of the flight. We were those people with a screaming child for a minute. We had a nice lady hand him a mini candy cane and that did the trick! So thankful for nice people! He was great the rest of the flight.
Grandma and Grandpa's house was more than Brooks could have ever imagined I'm sure. Chalkboards, magnets, trains, cars, trucks, books, puzzles and activities (and snacks!) galore! Brooks and Evvy were definitely spoiled all week and they loved every minute of it I'm sure! Brook's room was decorated with stars and a moon, sesame street characters, construction trucks and a new Cars blanket which he LOVED!

The next morning my mom and I did what we love to do, go shopping! We hit a bunch of stores fast, found some good things then headed home. Dan and I were able to see some friends from his work and their new, 9 day old baby! He was a dream! Then that night we got to see our friends Camille and Blake. We went to dinner, did initiatories at the temple then grabbed some ice cream. It was so good to see them and talk about all the fun things we did together when we lived in Boise.

Grand kids having fun while the parents were away.

 I love these side by sides showing Brooks' reaction to a "GIANT WORM" in his words.
 eh... I guess not haha!

 On Friday we went to a trampoline park. I wasn't sure if there would be enough for the toddlers to do but I was wrong! It was so much fun, for everyone! We couldn't take our phones in so we don't have pictures but boy was it so fun! We got there right when it opened so the kiddos could explore all the areas before any older kids arrived. They loved it! Foam pits, blow up slides, basketball hoopes, dogeball, a ninja warrior sequence- they had it all! And a special area for toddlers which they loved. I even did a backhandspring and didn't die (still got it!) but it stretched some muscles I didn't realize need stretching, ouch! We all took good naps that day!

At night we went to go see all the beautiful lights at Scentsy. It was fun to see all the lights but boy it was cold for us Texans!

I don't have any pictures from Saturday but we had a sitter so all the adults could go to the Meridian Temple. I should mention I was already sick by this point and almost had to leave the session due to a coughing fit- not my finest moment. BUT the temple was beautiful and I'm so glad we went! Dan and I had lunch at Noodles & Co because they don't have them here in Texas. Then the rest of the afternoon we played, hung out and watched movies.

Sunday we went to church and I was grateful it was only an hour. Poor B wasn't feeling great either and was not having it during church, when he's usually great. However I did love visiting my home ward and seeing some familiar faces and friends.

Brooks calls this "Papa Juice"

Monday was Christmas Eve and we decided to go to Big Al's for bowling and games. Brooks did pretty good with the bowling and he really loved the arcade too. We got there right when it opened and good things because soon it was PACKED. We ran the kids around so good bowling and playing arcade games- they took awesome naps! Ryan and I even did DDR for a throwback moment. Spoiler alert- I still suck at it!

We spent the afternoon playing, eating, watching movies and just being together

Traditional candlelit dinner. This year was steaks!

aaaannd Brooks found the olives!

This might be my favorite photo from the week. Christmas jammies and a Christmas book and Christmas Eve.

We bought stocking stuffers there so we didn't have to travel with them. I'm so glad we did because we found a Jackson Storm and a Cruz cars for Brooks! Our stores had been out of them for weeks. Such a good find for him. Dan and I mostly had food and some clothing items. Brooks had a little soccer ball, Thomas books, candy, trolls stickers, Cars socks and animals figurines.

Christmas morning the kiddos opened their stockings, then their presents and after we had breakfast. Brooks received a drill set, a giant Squirt turtle hand made by Aunt Kate (wow!!), sorting bears, Cars magnets. I think his favorite ended up being Jackson Storm and Cruz. He carried them, with McQueen, EVERYWHERE with him.

Dan and I even got to open a couple things which was thoughtful because we already had gifts at home. Socks, lotions, treats, books - we felt spoiled!

This year Ryan and I bought my mom a two disc necklace with E on one and B on the other for her grandbabies. I think she liked it! ;)

We spent the a lot the morning playing with new toys, eating, talking to family and just relaxing!

"Swimming" on his turtle haha!

Brooks would always rearrange this nativity but after he got a dinosaur and a tiger for Christmas, this is how it ended up. What an interpretation!

We drove over to the church with fun toys, balls and carts to play and run the toddlers. With my dad in charge of our cart I was afraid for our lives as he whipped us around haha! Brooks loved it.

After naps we thought it looked nice outside so we went to the park. And it was nice outside ...except for the icy harsh wind! We walked to the park and played but man it was cold with that wind! The toddlers didn't last super long but they had a lot of fun. Brooks would stay in that spinning egg forever.

The rest of the day we watched movies, played, ate food, put the toddlers to bed and played games!

After some morning playing, we went to the Children's Museum in Meridian. Now I'll be honest, I didn't expect a lot because it's Meridian and the outside of the building didn't look very big, but wow! They used the space well and had awesome exhibits for the kiddos! They loved it!

Brooks found this train room and was stuck here for a long time. He didn't care to explore anywhere else, we had to coax him.

They had a farm area, construction, cave with animals, a vet, a bank, a dentist office, a reading room, a pirate ship, a toddler area, a spaceship, an airplane, a store, a whole other room with games, puzzles and toys, and a restaurant. I was pleasantly surprised, it was awesome!

Brooks was so good on that horse! You had to bounce to make it go. He figured it out and did laps around that place! But I wish I could have recorded his reaction when he saw, "THOMAAAASS!!" He was so star struck.

That night we took everyone to FanciFreeze and got the kiddos ice cream which of course they loved! But the most magical part was when we went to get in our cars it had started snowing! I got a cute video of Brooks looking around at the fluffy flakes falling from the sky, he was talking about it all the way home.
Pillow fights!

While we were there Brooks developed a fondness for the book Green Eggs and Ham. He would ask for it ever night and it's, SO LONG! He would combine the words and ask. "Grapes, Ham?" Grandma always said yes :) Some of my other favorite Brooks sayings while on this trip are, "Need new batteries?" to ANYTHING that doesn't work, "Nokay" (no and okay) or "Yakay!" and "Cyyaat poop!" for cat poop.

The next morning we had snow! It wasn't much but it was snow! We bundled Brooks up, borrowed some boots (thanks Evvy) and sent him outside. He loved it. Especially making the snowman and giving it a carrot nose.

We had such a great trip to Boise and I probably forgot to blog half of it. I had a great time sharing (and showing off) Brooks to my family. He is just so sweet and fun and brings so much light to our lives. I loved playing games at night when the kiddos went to bed and just being together. I think my favorite activity was the trampoline park because there was something for everyone and the kids really loved it, it was so fun to watch! Thanks for having us Mom and Dad! They do some much for us and I'm so thankful for them.

By some sort of miracle we fit everything into our bags and didn't have to ship anything home (although I did forget a coat there... and I'm sure they'll find something else). When we got the airport our big suitcase measured at 51 lbs but no one said anything and they didn't charge us, yay! Because Dan had flown so much this year he even got to upgrade our seats for free. Not first class but right behind it where you get 6 inches more leg room, woop! Brooks did very good on the flight home. Some people were surprised to find out there was a toddler was with us. He watched movies, ate snacks, colored, did stickers. 

Our flight was delayed taking off and because of that, when we landed at DFW we had to wait 30 minutes for a gate! Ugh, not fun. Poor Brooks took it well even though we had just told him he could get off the plane... then had to say oh just kidding. He was saying,"mama, off plane? People off?" He was done. Because of some weather in Texas the night before the airport was a nightmare. Well not for us, but for others. There were some many people, every customer service desks had lines forever long. There were dozens of bags just everywhere in the baggage claim from people who missed their connections. I felt bad for everyone working and trying to get somewhere! Thankfully Dan got our bags no problem while Brooks and I went and got the car. And just like that, we were home!
We put away Christmas, started some new year clean outs, organized toys, packed old ones away and are getting ready for the new year. I love the fresh beginning a new year brings and I love finding new goals for myself. We're going to spend New Years Eve with the Leopolds and pray all our kiddos sleep so we can party and play games! Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2019!


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