Baby Food
Our pediatrician gave us the freedom to feed Brooks how we wanted to. From my understanding the two most common routes are start with purees then work up and baby led weaning where you give them bigger foods. I'm sure there are tons of studies on each side about which is better but I wasn't trying to follow any one plan. I tried both! At 6 months I gave him a puree and a finger food. He gagged and choked on the puree but not the finger food. I continued to give him finger foods and slowly keep introducing purees. Once he discovered what it was, what to do with it and that he actually liked it by 7 months he started being OK with being spoon fed. I was anxious about giving him finger foods. I kept asking Dan, "What if he breaks a piece off?!" as Brooks was gumming a banana. "...then he swallows it...that's the goal remember?" Oh... yeah. Ah, mom worries. It took a week for Brooks to figure out his gag reflex and at 7 months now he usually does pre...