My Fingers are Dead
Well I haven't blogged as much because simply put, I can't type . Well... I couldn't but now I can. Anyways I'll get to that later. Last Thursday the NBA finals were on. Our rabbit ears had been acting up lately. I forgot to mention we now have FOUR channels (!!) but the antennae has to be in the EXACT right place in order to work. The game was skipping in and out BAD so I decided to try again because I knew Dan would really enjoy watching it. I found out how to make it work. It only worked when I stood in this exact position. I moved, no dice. I kid you not. So I tried to fool the TV Lamp with a snuggie. Looks like me right? Didn't work which is obvious by the BIG FAT BLACK screen. Darn. With another 10 minutes of messing with it, turns out it needed to be moved two inches to the left. Works perfect now! Although I was very tempted to just stand there the whole time haha Dan and I had a lunch date at Gringo's So much food! I ...