
Showing posts from July, 2019

Robison Baby #2!

We are so excited to announce that we are expecting baby #2 in January 2020! It took almost a year which is totally common but I'll be honest I was impatient!  I actually was asked by many people during this time if we wanted to have more kids. I would respond, "Yes we do! Whenever God will bless us with more. It's in His hands!" and I loved the responses I got from this because most of the time they'd be excited and would offer to pray for us. YES! More prayers, give me all the prayers for a baby! We put it to God and waited for his timing. Finally I got a positive test! There were months were I just felt like THIS was it, but was completely wrong. I think I wanted it so badly my body started throwing out pseudo pregnancy symptoms. We're having a baby!! Week 4 Last time I was pregnant I had really painful implantation cramps. Like I was doubled over in stabbing pain. This time I only had regular menstrual-like cramping. Week 5   I had...


The First day of June we hit the ground running! It was technically the first day of our stay-cation, Dan took the first week of June off to recoup and have some family time after busy season. Saturday morning I had baptisms so I woke up got ready and left to go set up and had to go to Costco after. Side note- we found the way to get me to spend less money at Costco is to send me on a Saturday (which I NEVER do) but it's so busy of people who apparently forgot how to drive their GIANT carts that I'm like get. me. out. of. here. I was in and out fast (and under $100! Is that a record? Do I get a trophy?) While I was gone the boys partied HARD. They went and got donuts (it happened to be National Donut Day so they basically HAD to), they biked to the park, watched a show then did yard work and ate popsicles and even headed to the pool for a bit! All before lunch! Dan had to go help set up for an event at the church while I fed Brooks and got him down for a nap. Dan then swun...