I tried Native Deodorant
If you've clicked on this post you have either been bombarded with Native Deodorant Ads like I have and are curious about natural deodorant or you just want to read an article about me and deodorant? I hope this will help anyone else who's on the fence or looking or an alternative. When Buzzfeed published an article claiming this deodorant changed their lives it was ALL I saw on my feed and in ads for a while. I was very curious, went to their website, looked around was tempted to buy but realized I just bought deodorant and decided I should use that up first. My history with deodorants have been all over the place. I've used every brand, every type but was never over the moon with the results. I'm probably slightly above average on the sweat scale. I'm not an overly sweaty person but I was always very active, I needed something that worked! I did gymnastics and dance through high school & college and have used everything from Teen Spirit, Dove, Lady Spe...