
Showing posts from January, 2020

January (36-38 weeks)

36 Week Sonogram and OB Appointment We had our last sonogram to check baby's size and my fluid levels. All looked perfect! He was just over 6 lbs which is smack dab average, he's head down and my fluid levels look perfect- all good news. My OB checked my cervix and said I was 50% effaced and dilated to a 1.5. So there's a bigger chance than I had with Brooks that I could go into labor on my own, we'll see! We did schedule an induction date for Jan 26th in case baby is like Brooks and doesn't want to come. I've had maybe 2 contractions? At two separate times- they happened randomly (one while I was asleep but it woke me up!), almost felt like a charly horse in my stomach and lasted probably 30-45 seconds? I don't know I wasn't counting and maybe it felt longer than it was? I never had contractions or anything close to it with Brooks so that's new and unknown territory to me. What's is my Hospital bag! I packed considerably less this tim...