Is it too late for Happy New Year?
Where have I been you ask? Well usually there's only two reason for when I don't blog. I'm out of town/vacation or I'm sick. I'd much rather it be the first, but unfortunately it's the latter of the two. I'm sick again guys! Gross right! Sickness I got sick like... the 30th went through the whole coughing, sneezing sore throat thing. Felt better on the 1st but then had another sore throat on the 2nd and started the whole thing over again. It came back with a vengeance though. I'm still feeling it. I've had to embarrassingly excuse myself from the teller line in the midst of a coughing fit. More than once. I was freaking out because I was asked two weeks ago to give a talk last Sunday and I thought I'd be better by now. I made sure to take a lot of cold medication so that I didn't cough. My purse was packed with water, cough drops and snacks. How bad would that have been if I had to run out of the cultural hall mid talk? Seriously what woul...