
Showing posts from November, 2016

Being a Mom + Must Have Baby Items

I think the biggest thing that scared me in being a mom was reading all these blogs that although are realistic, kind of put a dark victimizing cloud over motherhood that made it hard for me to look forward to. Yes I appreciate the honesty but I feel like they were all missing something. Within the first month or so yes I've been pooped on, peed on, spit up on and woken up at night but when it's your own baby, the poop, pee and spit up don't gross you out. People writing some of these blogs forgot to mention the overwhelming love you feel for your baby and how that love makes you do anything for him!  Right when I gave birth I didn't have that overwhelming  feeling of perfect love explained in the movies. I think I was more distracted that this huge baby just came out of me. Of course I knew I'd love him right away but day by day my love for him has grown ten fold. It's like getting to know someone first. My heart bursts thinking about how lucky I am to be...

A Month of Brooks

Surprisingly my pregnancy went by really fast for me and I didn't expect that. However I did expect this first month of Brook's life to fly by because all new moms say so and I can confirm it totally does! My favorite Brooks story from the first week was when we took him to get his 2nd PKU heel stab. They poke them pretty good in the heel (OW!) and have to take a good amount of blood. Dan held him and I just expected him to SCREAM. When the nurse pricked him his eyes got all wide in shock, then he looked at the nurse with the biggest glare and let out a forceful, 'EH!' and that was it. Not another peep! The nurse was like, 'Wow... I've never gotten that reaction before.' I was so shocked and every time I think about his face I start laughing! The face he gave the nurse was close to this one. Other fun moments in his first weeks of life include shooting poop and getting peed on, the usual. My mom and I were hysterically laughing as we were ...