
Showing posts from March, 2016

It's Baby Time!

Woo hoo! On January 17th I took a pregnancy test. It was about 4 days before my hopefully missed period. All the packaging on the pregnancy tests stated they could detect it 6 days before your missed period so I thought I was good. The reason I wanted to take one so early was because I went to a book signing the next day for an author Dan and I really like. Since Dan couldn't actually go to the signing, I thought it would be cool if he could write, 'PS - you're going to be a dad' at the bottom. How cool would that be! The test was negative and I was let down and instantly started researching ways to make sure I knew exactly when I was ovulating. I told Dan about my foiled plan and we laughed about how cool that would have been. Wednesday I feel the cramping and the soreness kicking in. Alright here we go, shark week (my affectionate nick name aunt flo). I was taking acetaminophen religiously and I woke up in the middle of the night with sharp cramping pains. It was ...