June Bug

Okay now that it's June I would think it's appropriate to see June bugs... but apparently it's too hot. they definitely need to have their name changed to April bugs or something. I honestly feel like June 1st was yesterday and I still can't figure out where all this time is going.

While at Jenny and Phill's house we decided that the rest of their pictures frames needed to be filled too.

THIS is what is really means to live in Texas. Being late because of a train.

Dan ordered new swim trunks and this:

Came in THIS box. Overkill, no?
We went with Dan's company to a community garden owned by the Tarrant County Food Bank to volunteer.

 We were grateful for the cloud cover we had that morning. Dan and I mulched up a storm.

Afterwards we all got lunch at Tommy's Hamburgers. Dan of this giant called the Junkyard Burger. It was delicious!

Jenny and Phill came over with the kiddos to go swimming. I love having a pool in the complex.


The next adventure was Girls Camp! It was a blast even though it rained a lot and we lost power at one point. The girls were so great and there was no drama. The theme for me of camp could be summarized in this wonderfully accurate ecard:

Story of my life. It's hard for me to remember I'm the adult because I don't feel like one!

Girls camp was so fun. A couple times other leaders assumed I was youth too. PSYCH!

These were waiting for me when I got home from camp.

 For Father's Day weekend we went with Jenny and Phill to ride go karts and play mini golf!

Sydney had this weird thing where all she wanted to do was to see how many golf balls she could hold under her chin.

Ended the night with ice cream!


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